Sangha News




December 15, 2003






The Winter Solstice and Bodhi Day


Perhaps if we think deeply about the approaching winter solstice, we can come to experience this day as a rhythmic, year long, beat of light and darkness.  This solstice, for the peoples of the northern hemisphere, signals the end of a six month long encroachment of darkness.  The winter solstice seems to coax from our hearts, our highest expressions of hope against the darkness.  So many of our spiritual traditions have developed celebrations of hope during this time: Christmas for Christians, Ramadan for Muslims, Hanukkah for Jews, and Bodhi Day for Buddhists.  Bodhi Day, traditionally celebrated on December 8th, commemorates the day that Siddhartha Gautama obtained enlightenment and came to be called “Buddha”. 


It is not so difficult to experience the winter solstice as a rhythm that all of humanity hears.  We each hear it in the language and traditions that most clearly calls to us.  But the message seems to consistently call us to awaken. 



Sangha Calendar for December


Sunday Practice at Orbis

December 7   - Five Mindfulness Precepts

December 14 - Second sitting meditation

December 21 - The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings

December 28 - Guided Meditation or Shared Readings


Bulletin Board

From our friend Bronson Rozier


Dear Friends, 

Due to an emergency financial situation… both Carol and I are disabled and unable to work …  we are asking  those of compassionate and loving heart to please help the cats we have rescued in the last few years.


We are asking if anyone can find new homes for some.  We are asking if there are kind souls who would like to adopt some precious adult cats?   Pictures are available on request.  All of these cats were rescued off the streets many in poor health and nursed back to health, spayed and neutered and given care and loving attention.  Turning them into Animal Control where they would be killed or put back on the streets are not options.


Please let us know soon if you can take or place one of our friends in a good home.   



Bronson and Carol Rozier

Quan Yin Animal Fund.

Unified Buddhist Church

1544 Quadrant Av; Louisville Ky 40205




The Bulletin Board provides a place for Sangha members to share personal announcements, invitations to social or community events, and poems, quotes or original writings they find inspirational.  To be mindfully legalistic in this day and age, we must note that postings submitted by Sangha members should not be interpreted as having the sponsorship or endorsement of the Louisville Community of Mindful Living or of the Order of Interbeing.  Where possible, please e-mail your sharings 3 weeks in advance to the attention of the editor at  Knowing that life isn't always so accommodating, we will make an effort to send out notice of practice-related events on shorter notice.  While we strive to make the Bulletin Board as broad and inclusive a forum as possible, we reserve the right to decline submissions based on content or length.   


                                           Sangha News 
                          Louisville Community of Mindful Living

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