Sangha News


February 25th, 2004






Excerpts: Mindfulness Is The Refuge

“In Buddhism we take refuge in the Three Jewels – Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.  These refuges are a very deep practice.  They are the Buddhist trinity:


I take refuge in the Buddha, the one who shows me the way in this life.

I take refuge in the Dharma, the way of understanding and love.

I take refuge in the Sangha, the community that lives in harmony and awareness


Many years ago I encountered some children on a beach in Sri Lanka.  It had been a long time since I had seen children like that, barefoot children on a very green island with no sign of industrial pollution.  These were not children of slums; they were of the countryside.  I saw them, and to me they formed a beautiful part of nature.  As I stood on the beach alone, the children just ran toward me.  We didn’t know each other’s language, so I put my arms around their shoulders – all six of them, and we stood like that for a long time.  Suddenly I realized that I if I chanted a prayer in the ancient Buddhist language of Pali, they might recognize it, so I began to chant, “Buddham saranam gacchami”, (I take refuge in the Buddha).  They not only recognized it, they continued the chant.  We all need a place that is safe and wholesome enough for us to return for refuge.  In Buddhism, that refuge is mindfulness.

Thich Nhat Hanh, Living Buddha, Living Christ


One needs to spend only a little time with members of our sangha to discover what voracious readers we are.  Coupled with our tradition of being one another’s teachers, this new section “Excerpts”, of the Sangha News has been inspired.  The Excerpts section will be a place for you to share with your sangha brothers and sisters those wonderful bits of dharma that you discover while reading Buddhist teachings, or pieces that reflect Buddhist teachings.  Pieces will be limited to no more than 20 lines and may be edited as the Sangha News Editors sees necessary.  Send submissions to Now get reading’.




Keep Up With Brother Jon Barnes

As most of you know, sangha member and facilitator Jon Barnes continues his mindful response to cancer.  Even though his attendance at our Sunday morning sit is irregular, his dharma offerings are present every week; in the questions folks ask regarding his condition; in our recitation books that he carefully compiled; in the Buddha that joins our circle, and in the space created by our gathering.  A web log( “blog”) has been established to help those who care for Jon to keep up with his condition, and read and share comments with others who visit the site.  You likely received an email from Jon containing the link, but just in case you missed it, here it is:



Furnace Mountain Retreat

Care to join fellow sangha members for a late winter retreat at one of the areas most beautiful meditation centers, modeled after a traditional Korean Buddhist Temple?  The retreat will be March 11th - 14th, from 7:30 p.m. on Thursday through 12 Noon on Sunday.  The fee is $150, including meals and lodging.  If you are interested, contact Tony Glore at  or call (502) 259-5373.  You can visit Furnace Mountain’s web site here. 



Sangha Calendar for February and March


Sunday Practice at Orbis


February 29 - Second Activity, Facilitator’s Choice

March  7  -  Five Mindfulness Precepts

March 14 - Second sitting meditation

March 21 - The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings

March 28 - Guided Meditation or Shared Readings



Bulletin Board

Speak Out for Peace and Compassion

Thursday  11-1

Peacefully Respond to Policies and Speech by George W. Bush



Dear Friends in the Dharma,


Brother George W. Bush is giving a wonderful opportunity to involve our practice of compassion, loving kindness and peace in the world.  He will be speaking downtown Louisville around noon Thursday. Local Peace groups are asking folks to be at 4th and Jefferson around 11 am.


This will be an opportunity to ask our fellow citizens to reject the war culture of our nation-- largest production of weapons including Weapons of Mass Destruction, largest trade and weapons aid program, armed forces occupying every continent and some sort of military intervention on the average of every 6-7 years in our history.  It can also be a lesson of compassion.  Compassion toward our leaders who despite their horrific actions have the seeds of the Buddha and Christ within them.  Let us be there to show we can oppose the wars, but not place blame and kindle anger and hatred in our hearts.  Mr. Bush often speaks of his faith,  Perhaps we can use this opportunity to remind him of the teachings of Christ in loving enemies and not returning violence for violence and in helping the impoverished world not continuing to exploit it.


Peace and Joy to you,


Bronson Rozier

"Boundless Compassionate Insight"




The Bulletin Board provides a place for Sangha members to share personal announcements, invitations to social or community events, or original writings they find inspirational. To be mindfully legalistic in this day and age, we must note that postings submitted by Sangha members should not be interpreted as having the sponsorship or endorsement of the Louisville Community of Mindful Living or of the Order of Interbeing. Where possible, please e-mail your sharings 3 weeks in advance to the attention of the editor at Knowing that life isn't always so accommodating, we will make an effort to send out notice of practice-related events on shorter notice. While we strive to make the Bulletin Board as broad and inclusive a forum as possible, we reserve the right to decline submissions based on content or length.


                                           Sangha News 
                          Louisville Community of Mindful Living

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